The Scam That Is Targeting Triond Users

I know a lot of ExpertsColumn users how are also on Triond. I’ve lately been been receiving messages from other ‘ Triond users ‘ asking me out on dates, others have sent me a sob story begging me to send them money.

 I hope no one has fallen victim to these scams and I have contacted Triond concerning the matter. I wonder if anyone else as gotten these types of messages? If so then feel free to comment about it.

I personally would have hoped Triond would be a place where users would be free from these types of scams, but apparently

not. Unfortunately Triond isn’t the first place I have encountered these scams.


had similar emails sent to both my addresses. I can spot them a mile away and they are immediately put in the trash can. I have no time for scammers.

If any ExpertsColumn or Triond get these types of messages then please do the following:

Contact Triond or ExpertsColumn right away sent them the username and a copy of the message. Once you have done that, delete it and block the user. Never respond to any of the messages you receive, and under no circumstances send any money to anyone. 

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